Thursday, 26 September 2013

32 Weeks With Bump

I'm not even sure you can call the little Sprogling "Bump" anymore. I think a more appropriate name would be more like, "Ginormous Ball Attached to My Tummy".

We're getting close now!
All the little apps are telling me that babies born from now onward have a much higher chance of survival,
the websites are telling me to pack my hospital bag
and I can't fit into any of my clothes any more!


It's funny how your mind changes with it all too.
I don't know if this counts for everyone, or perhaps it's just the way my brain likes to get around things, but the reality of it is definitely hitting home now.

Before, all I could think about was having a new, tiny little human to play with and teaching them all of the wonders of the world. The thought of showing them a butterfly for the first time, seeing their face when they took their first steps into snow, and just marvelling at the way the human body learns to 'live'.
But now, things seem to be a little different.
All I can think about is that everything is about to change dramatically, and will never be the same again!

- Not in a bad way exactly, just that this is it.... we're about to become a family!!!

I'm going to be a mum!!

I'm going to be responsible for another human being for the rest of my life!!

*terrifyingly looks down at the bump and wonders what kind of monster I've created*

It's such a strange thing to come to terms with.
I guess it must be something that all mums realise at one point or another
- your role in life has now completely changed!

Hopefully it won't stop me from being 'me' though...
I'd rather like to stay 'me'!


So, what on earth to pack in my hospital bag!?!

Me and Lewis went to an antenatal class at the weekend.
It was a proper, 5 hour crash course.
I had heard that NHS antenatal classes were a complete waste of time, so I wasn't overly confident that I was going to learn anything, but I thought that I should go anyway.
And it was brilliant!

It might be that I didn't know a lot of things that other mothers to-be know, but I learnt so much and even the things that I had researched, it was great to hear a midwife who knew what she was talking about, go into more detail and confirm those details.
I would definitely recommend going to an antenatal class. Even if you know all of the information you'll need, it's so reassuring to hear it all from someone with experience, and if you have any questions, she's right there to answer them for you.

She went through all of the different pain relief methods, with all the pros and cons for each, she talked to us about positions for giving birth and ways to relax during labour.
So much information, and reassurance that I just feel so much more confident as the time (super quickly) approaches.

She also talked to us about the biological side of things.
I didn't know if this would reassure or scare me more, but hearing how the female body develops to be able to completely take care of having a baby was possibly the most reassuring part of the whole thing for me.
The different muscles, how they change and adapt, how the baby itself responds to the shaping of the muscles and how (hopefully) a normal birth should go.
It all just made me totally marvel at my own body.
I had all these ideas that my body will want to just get the baby out one day and then it'll be all hands on deck for the midwives and doctors to manage the situation, let alone myself trying to figure out what I should and shouldn't do...
and as much of that is true, I now also know that my body really will know what it's doing when baby gives the 'Go! Go! Go!' signals!

The midwife gave us a good list of things to pack for the hospital too.
So this will be my little job tonight...

For you/labour:
~  Loose clothes/top that you won't mind getting messy 
~ Loose pj's/nightie (possibly front opening)
~ Sponge to wet your face or filled with water to bite one
~ Lucozade sweets or non fizzy energy drinks (DON'T have any fizzy drinks!)
~ Paracetamol (for the early stages of labour)
~ Lip balm (you will dehydrate and will need to drink lots, but lip balm will help too)
~ Socks
~ Massage ball
~ Music
~ Snacks (honey's good for energy)
~ Ear plugs and eye mask (to help you zone out)

~ Underwear
~ Nursing bra (if breast feeding)
~ Loads of maternity pads
~ Breast pads (if breast feeding)
~ Clothes to come home in (loose fitting, comfortable. Maternity clothes will probably still be best)
~ Toiletries
~ Towels
~ Camera
~ Phone (and charger)
~ Money (for more food/making phone calls if your phone goes caput!)

Not a lot then...

And for baby:

~ A few changes of clothes
~ Nappies
~ Muslin cloths
~ Milk formula (if not breast feeding)
~ Cotton hat
~ Mits
~ Booties

These are all just recommendations. There are others that I haven't listed because I won't be taking them, like a TENS machine etc. It's all about preference.
I think that I might take my own pillow though. I've heard that it really helps to relax when you have your own pillow.

If you can think of anything I've missed out, please give me a heads up, I know I'm going to forget something!

Baby room's getting there!


Friday, 13 September 2013

Organising... Kinda!

Sorry I don't seem to be writing so much at the moment folks.
I am still here!
- just multi-tasking poorly I'm afraid!

I've been re-organising things in our house.
I love my new -kind of functional- shelf!

~ To Lewis: "It looks really pretty and puts lots of colour into the room!"

~ Secretly to myself: "Now I won't have to tidy up my wool stash after a crochet/knitting binge! Mwahaha!"

I've been knitting away at some little bobble hats for Innocent Smoothie's Big Knit!

Some people have made some amazing designs! It's worth popping over to the website just to have a peek at the teddy bear bottle hat. And it all helps Age UK too, so definitely not a bad thing!
And I've heard that some people have literally knitted hundreds! Hundreds!! I feel quite guilty with my little mob of 6... hopefully they'll do some good though, I'll try do more next year. Let me know if you see one of them about, it'd be great to find out where they end up.

I've been doing some more baby organising too!
~ it feels like that's all I do now, organise this, organise that! But it feels good knowing it's all done ~

I attempted following a knitting pattern for a baby's "elf-style" hat. It's not great, and I'm half tempted to cover it in pom poms, but hopefully when there's a cute little head in there it'll look much better!
Plus with a winter baby, it'll need all the head warmth it can get.
AND... are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Get some red baby wool, pop a white pom pom on the end... hey presto! Baby Santa hat!
Oh yes, there will be many an embarrassing photo for our poor little Sprog to try and hide when it's older!

We got this too:

I know it's a bit main stream, and I probably could've knocked something up myself, but I just adore this little pond-style play mat.
And the little Caterpillar plays music! Hehe, hell, if the little one isn't entertained by this, I certainly will be!

I think it'll be perfect when our little one starts seeing and interacting with things. The mat's really soft too, and will be a great little play area when the mosses basket and baby bouncer get boring!
And look at all those tags to attach things too!
I must be careful not to go too nuts!
But I'm thinking pom pom garlands, toys, bells, soft bunting... ok, so maybe not all at once...

I've got an idea for one of our little rugs too. It's all fluffy and a bright green, kind of like grass, so I'm thinking of sewing in some crochet daisies and other flowers and making a mini indoor garden mat.
Maybe I'll make a few worms and butterflies too!


So with all of these wonderful distractions, you might be able to tell that I haven't been able to felt as much as I normally would.
I still have a custom order on the go, and keeping a few ideas open for Xmas and Halloween.
But I'm also trying to plan some 'baby safe' designs to keep me going when the little one is here.

To be honest, I don't feel 100% comfortable with the idea of having my felting needles about when I have a new, teeny, tiny human to look after!
So I've been branching out with my wet felting and trying some designs to keep me going until I can organise my felting world!

 I'm loving these cake topper and garland ideas. Simple, wet felted balls and a bit of glue or thread, but they look quite effective.
And having a few bowls of warm soapy water around a little one sounds a lot safer than a foam block stuck full of sharp felting needles!
I need to work on some lovely colour schemes, but hopefully these designs will be hopping into my Emporium soon.

I hope you're all having a wonderful week,
and haven't been struck by the doom of Friday 13th!

I apologise if my next post isn't for a while, my to-do lists seem to be getting longer rather than shorter at the mo!

But still, a couple of months to go, and then the only to-do I'll have will be to feed, burp, change, hug 
and repeat!


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