Thursday, 16 January 2014

10 Awesome Things About Newborns

It's been nearly 7 whole weeks since my little boy decided to venture out into the big wide world, and it feels like one of those weird time bubbles where it feels like he's been here forever but at the same time, it's gone so quickly!

I can't believe we're creeping ever closer to the 2 month mark! And he's grown so much in this tiny space of time!
He is officially too big for his Newborn baby grows now and I've had to pack them away, and in a way it feels like a bit of a turning point. He's not a newborn anymore, he's my growing baby boy!

And to celebrate this, here's 10 awesome things about newborns that I'll miss as he gets older: 

1. Everything's so tiny! The very first thing that tugged at my heart strings about him were his tiny ears, and his hands, and feet, and nose, and just about everything! 

2. They sleep a lot :) hehe, giving you plenty of time to catch up on your sleep.. Or just to stare at them in utter awe as they dose!

3. Their constant need of 'something' makes you feel very needed and like you've achieved something amazing when you finally figure out what it is that they've been crying about - even if it's just a cuddle!

4. Presents! :) hehe, on a very selfish note, you can finally use all of those adorable baby presents you've been given and all of the cute things that you bought yourself! I spent ages pottering around the baby room before Finn was born, getting all excited about using his changing mat and going through all if his baby cloths.

5. Watching them grow, even as tiny little humans, they grow at a crazy pace! I swear some mornings I look at him and think 'I'm pretty sure you're bigger than you were last night!' It's amazing to see, but at the same time a little heart wrenching... Before I know it he'll be off to school to learn about dinosaurs!

6. Kind of in line with number 5, you get a whole new perspective to life by watching it from its very beginning. Almost everyday you'll have a 'I made that nose' feeling of awe, and you marvel at how amazing their little body is and how amazing yours is to have made something so complicated and wonderful!
I have made life!

7. Having something very awesome to show off! I'm his mum, so naturally he is amazing and wonderful and the best baby ever to be born! But it is good fun taking him to see people or inviting friends round to see his awesomeness themselves!

8. Planning his little future. I don't mean that I am planning for him to be a doctor or anything, but the little things that will help him through life. I like thinking about when we should take him swimming, planning his first holiday, how I'm going to teach him about trees and bugs and to save me from big, creepy spiders!

9. Holding his little hand. It might be a baby reflex, but by god it makes my heart melt when he grabs hold of my finger with all of his tiny, baby fingers. One day I'll be holding that hand to cross a road!

10. And as silly as it sounds, all of those midnight feeds are wonderful. Getting out of bed in the first place admittedly is the hardest thing in the world, but when you're staring into that little face while he eats and tickling his little belly during changing time... it's magical. And I know when he finally sleeps through the night it will be great, but I also know that I'll secretly miss all of our little midnight conversations and cuddles.
They say that they grow up so fast, so I am more ok with loosing a little sleep to spend as much time with him as possible!

There's a gazillion more things that I could blabber on about my little boy, but from my very little, personal experience, these are more 10 favourite things... for now... there will be more as he gets older... he's already starting to smile like a loony at little things that make him happy... swoon!!
god help me when he finds hid giggle!
I hope you're all having a lovely week
and are starting your new years with awesomeness!

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Happy New Year 2014

Well, what a year that was!

It started with an explosion of hope and exciting ideas for my felty world and then quickly had a massive turn around when I found out that I was pregnant!

The first half of the year was then completely occupied with learning what my body was up to and how best to treat it so that my little sprog would grow strong and healthy.
- It's amazing how much time that takes up in your mind. All I could think about was baby, body, baby, body...
And to be honest, it sounds a bit silly, but that was my entire year!!
I have no idea what happened last year. I'm pretty sure that I spent most of it tucked away in a little bubble, ignoring the world!

And then, on the 24th November 2013
I gave birth to my little son
at 00:01
weighing 7lbs 8ozs

It was an absolutely amazing experience, and it hasn't put me off having more at all.
I'm sure I'll write a bit more about it all soon, I want to share my birthing story to any mum-to-be who's petrified like I was.
I guess you only hear the horror stories when you're looking into births, but they're not all like that, I promise!

And to end my amazing roller coaster of a year, I enjoyed a wonderful family Xmas with my son as a brand new edition!
What more could I possibly have wanted for Xmas?!

It has been amazing.

And now I'm venturing into the new year with a whole new outlook on life and it's precious little things.

Last year my New Year's motto was
'Make The Little Things Fun'

And this year I'm going to stick with it. My son, being a little thing himself, has been a never ending source of fun... stress and worry too, but I'll focus on the fun!!
And as he grows this year, Making The Little Things in his life Fun will be my ultimate aim!

Strange as it is, changing nappies has already become the funnest thing for us.
There's fairy lights, rattles, visually stimulating books and lots of tummy tickles at changing time! Not to mention a boogie to my Disney CDs!

Make The Little Things Fun

Why not?
After all, what's more important than little smiles to fill your day!

Now... it's taken me about a week to get this post all sorted and written out (Mr Finn has been quite a demanding chap!) but I hope to be writing much more from now on!
We're getting into a routine, him and me, and this new year I would like to concentrate on my blog and figuring out how to sneak a little bit of felting into my day!

Happy New Year
to you all!

What are your New Years resolutions and plans for 2014?


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