Thursday, 15 March 2012

Buttons & Books

We have a new Shop of The Week!

Such beautiful buttons and jewellery!

I LOVE this button so much!!

mmmm, that is one delicious looking button!

and if you read this interview, you'll be as pleased as I am that there will hopefully be some thrown pieces in the future!
I have both fingers crossed for some egg cups!

Definitely go and take a peek!


On a completely separate note,

I've been a little obsessed with this blog it seems!

I had a little makey moment at work this morning and fished out an old 2009 diary from my draw (I don't know why I have a 2009 diary in my draw... one of the many random objects that has taken refuge in there!)

and thanks to Sophie's wonderful tutorial, I turned it into a pretty sketchbook/scrapbook for all of my little budding felty ideas!
I know it's already printed on, it being a diary an' all, but I really love that sketching over words look, so it totally suits my style, AND it recycles!
A definite plus!

I just used a very pretty artist's catalogue that came through the post for me and my oober groovy decorational scissors from HappyMemory!


Take a look at the tutorial to make your own sketchbook, just the way that you want it!

Now... off to do some more work I think!
By the looks of things on my facebook, it looks like I might be making a felted version of a band to do a stop animation for their next music video!!!



  1. Oh my Gawd! I love it! I love the sort of cut off text on the cover and your crazy scissors are amazing!! I love the idea of writing over something that's already been written on, too. I do it when I doodle at home or on the train over my own writing, but I've never thought of doing it over printed material! Awesome.

    Thanks for including my links :DD

    Also, LOVE that button. Susan's work is fab :)

    x xx

  2. Ohhhhh, totally forgot to say! A felty version of a band!?! THAT'S AMAZING. So excited to see!!

  3. Wow - great post! Love Susan's button, and those awesome scissors too, and thanks for sharing Sophie's tutorial!

  4. My mum loves her crazy scissors as well. Great choice of Susan's button!

  5. Great post! Your new sketchbook is lovely :)


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